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Hi papa. Are you in peace? Please give me a sign. Please talk to me. Please call me? Just do anything and let me know that you are okay. I am here, in Kolkata. The city that you always wanted to visit but never could. There is a slab weighing on my chest, and the slab is made of regrets, hurt, and complaints. I wish I could explain how I wish I had booked a flight for you to Kolkata, and given you the trip of your life. I wish you were here, with me, wandering on the streets of Kolkata like you wanted to. Some days are easy, papa. I live with hope and a feeling that you are happy, free of any worldly pain and expectations. Some days are bad, with a devastating pain that pushes me down an endless pit. No day, however, goes by when I don’t miss you terribly.  Did you know how much I love you? Did I make you feel that through my actions or my presence? I don’t know what to write anymore, my life is incomplete and broken. My pillar of strength has gone. - Kunal

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